Email Marketing

Use Sendwisely to send and track your email campaigns. Measure results with real-time analytics. All with your own AWS account.

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The Smart, Cost-Effective
Email Marketing Solution

Leverage your AWS account for reliable, cost-effective email marketing. Enjoy seamless Amazon SES and SNS integration at a fraction of the cost.

Centralize Your Email Operations

Effortlessly manage multiple domains. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, our platform streamlines email management, enhancing your communication strategy.

Intuitive Contact Management

Keep your contacts organized and accessible. Our user-friendly interface allows you to manage your contact lists efficiently, ensuring that your campaigns reach the right audience every time.

Create Campaigns with Ease

Launching email campaigns has never been easier. You can craft compelling emails quickly, leveraging our intuitive campaign creation tools.

Harness the Power of AWS for
Unmatched Efficiency

Save costs, manage multiple domains, send emails and gain valuable insights, all while enjoying the robust infrastructure of AWS.

In-Depth Campaign Analytics

Measure the success of your campaigns with our comprehensive analytics. Understand your audience's engagement, track open rates, click-throughs, and more. Use these insights to refine your strategies and achieve better results.

Domain Reputation Monitoring

Leveraging the power of AWS SES, our system continuously tracks your domain's health, ensuring your messages consistently reach the inbox. Stay ahead of potential issues with comprehensive insights and maintaining your sender credibility.

Account Status
Healthy Probation Shutdown
Bounce Rate
Complaint Rate
Elevate Your
Email Marketing